In any business, especially a Car Wash St Joseph Mo there’s always room for further efficiency in order to make your business a success. That’s why 30 plus years in business can give you an added advantage. We have had the opportunity to try all the methods that have worked in the past, and seen what no longer works now. Over the years we have improved our system to include a pit that allows our attendance to more efficiently clean up behind customers dirt and grime. This has been done in order to improve efficiency which the customer may never see, but our staff truly does appreciate.
By making small changes in our Car Wash St Joseph Mo process, we allow the true stars, our staff to shine bright. We’ve spent time and energy and training our staff to not only be customer centric, but be as efficient as possible. This is to ensure that our customers can come in, get an amazing car wash, and be about their day with no lag in between. No one likes wasting time on inefficient processes, especially something as simple as a car wash. When you bring your car to us for a wash, we ensure the most efficient process by having staff placed in our pre-wash area with a high pressure gun fully equipped to take off dirt and grime as well as bug guts.
By improving our Car Wash St Joseph Mo Little by little, our efficiencies begin to show within the first 5 years of opening. Our first year we were able to service 18,000 cars, but after making small changes to increase efficiency we were able to service 56,000 cars within a four-year span. This is unheard of growth especially within the small amount of time with a small business. It took time, effort and dedication in order to figure out what was working and what wasn’t and where to make changes. We partnered with several local bigger named car washes in the area in order to understand a business that we didn’t have a lot of experience with.
The proudest moment about our company is the fact that not only did we do all of these things mentioned in this article, but we’ve managed to maintain that the customer is the center of our business. We’ve managed to maintain that the most important part of our business is our customers and that we desire to give them the best possible experience ever. Thankfully, we are the best in the business and the best that’s ever done it therefore it’s not that hard to complete. Though we are considered the best in the business, we do not get complacent. This can be taken from us at any point in time, and it is our job to remain vigilant in maintaining our best in the business position as well as remaining super customer centric in our process.
The point is, at Eastridge Premium Car Wash, We only want to ensure that you have a superior service that is second to none. We have been able to maintain that over the years, and invite you to take a look at our website So that you can see the amazing things that we’ve been able to accomplish as well. If you would rather give us a call, our number is 816-279-8883 where someone will be more than happy to answer your questions or take your calls.
Car Wash St Joseph Mo | Five Star Service
The Car Wash St Joseph Mo that you will receive from East ridge premium Car Wash is second to none. Hands down the best service you will ever get in this type of industry. We have a five-star service for a reason, and has been maintained over the course of 30 years. The past two years we have received the reader’s choice Platinum award of being the Best Of in our local vicinity. And we have numerous proud customers giving video testimonials as well as The highest rating available online. Remaining the best in the business is what keeps us going day in and day out, but all of it is worth it when we see you leaving our facility with a smile shining as brightly as your car.
Having a Car Wash St Joseph Mo with five Star quality service has been a pleasure within our community. Not only do we ensure that every customer that comes to visit us receives the same type of service and consistency, but we also ensure to give back to many needs within the community. Not only did we give back to many non-profit organizations, but we also sponsor a number of local families that may be a need for Thanksgiving or Christmas meals. This is our way to witness the greatness of God’s grace from us to others. We also partner with youth groups and local church groups to assist in funding their school efforts as well as mission trips several times. This is done by the youth group being able to towel dry for customers that day. The customers are able to donate directly to the group, and then we also donate a large portion of our proceeds for that day to the group.
To maintain our five-star Car Wash St Joseph Mo rating, not only do we make sure that every customer is treated with the same amount of respect and effort, We give back to our community, And we make sure that our staff is well prepared and well trained for every single situation that may arise so that we can be sure to give five-star customer service to every single customer in every single situation. This is important to us, because we want to be a pillar in the community sharing our light to others. Running our business in this fashion has been a true blessing, and has given us astounding results that we are truly pleased with. We know you will be too.
Being a small business owner, many of the personal things that are important to you are also important to your business. I believe that this helps us maintain a healthy level of connectedness to our customers. Because we are connected to our customers and because we are connected to our community, we can ensure that we give five star quality to every person that we come across. Whether you’re paying $1 for the very first time you’re utilizing us as a car wash service to the member who’s been paying membership for the past 3 years, we ensure that every single customer receives five-star quality service every single time.
If you are tired of receiving bare minimum service, and want to know the difference in receiving five-star quality service, head over to our website at to be able to see the picture and video difference of this experience. If you’re needing a little bit more of a personal approach, feel free to give us a call at 816-279-8883. But the best way to experience this type of quality is to come down to our car wash today.